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Continuing our few days in Norfolk, today we made our way to Thetford for the third Norfolk wedding in a row. It’s always pleasing when this sort of thing works out and we can stay in one area for a few days, although to be fair it is quite rare. Mostly we consider it a win if one wedding is vaguely in the same direction as the one which follows it. Although the way things look in August this year, we will be travelling up and down to Scotland quite a few times over the next few weeks.

Today, however, we were in Thetford which is, amongst other things, home to the Dad’s Army Museum. Our role however, was not to investigate nostalgic television but instead to provide music for Margaret and Peter’s Wedding Ceremony and Drinks Reception which was being held at the Bell Inn, Thetford.

Margaret and Peter
Friday 2 August 2024
The Bell Inn, Thetford
Ceremony and Drinks

Bridal Entrance
Blend of 2
Bridgetown – Simon and Lady Danbury with A Thousand Years

Requiem Op 48 Part Vll in Paradisum by Faure

Happy by Pharrell Williams

This was certainly an eclectic mix of music for the ceremony and in the end we had to change the Faure to Sicilienne to comply with rules about no religious music at non religious wedding ceremonies. Technically of course one could argue that without any words the music itself is not liturgical but this is not a debate to have with a registrar.

For the drinks reception we were outside and had been given free choice of music so we kept everything upbeat and jolly to match the occasion which, today, was bathed in sunshine.

We really enjoyed being a part of Margaret and Peter’s Wedding and we wish them every happiness for their future together as husband and wife.

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