Alongside our thriving wedding business, we also really enjoy providing music for corporate events, typically drinks receptions and meals. Today we were in Manchester for a drinks reception at the law firm Addleshaw Goddard.
Arrival in Manchester
Our first challenge was to negotiate the road system in the centre of Manchester. Addleshaw Goddard are located right in the central part of town which is riddled with no entry signs, no left turns, no right turns and roads which are only accessible to public transport. Knowing this from a previous gig in central Manchester at the University, we allowed plenty of time.
Once we had negotiated the road system we were invited into the underground carpark at 1 Saint Peter’s Square where we had an allocated parking space. With assistance from the security team we soon had our kit in the lift and on the way up to the sixth floor where the event was to take place.

Setting up
Setting up was simplicity itself. Our contact Charlotte had ensured a space was ready for us, an extension reel had already been laid and two chairs were in position. A room was provided for our cases and coats and everything proceeded like clockwork. If only weddings were so well organised…!
Let’s face it these people are busy professionals and I’m quite sure they have more important things to do than worry about some musicians turning up for an hour or so to provide a little background music. But nevertheless, the organisation was absolutely seamless. We were also provided with coffee and two bottles of water depending on our preference for still or sparkling.
We like to think that we are very easy to accommodate at these events. All we need is a space to set up in and we will do the rest. If we get power, chairs and a drinks that’s always welcome but not essential. Compared to how we are sometimes treated by wedding venues this felt like we were royalty!

Music for the Drinks Reception
This was only a small gathering of around 15 people. As I understand it the dinner was being held in celebration of winning a particular deal or case. Those details are not important. For us given the size of the room and the number of people we made sure our music was a suitable volume.
Whilst we may turn up with lots of speakers, these can be positioned subtly and does not mean we have to play loud. The last time we were in Manchester we played in an auditorium which would seat probably 1000 people. This time we had 15 people in a meeting room. Same setup (although we hid the speakers on the floor rather than on stands to look less obtrusive), but considerably less volume. In fact we probably played slightly quieter than an acoustic piano and cello would have been in the same space.
This is the beauty of our setup. Whilst primarily it was designed so that we can be heard at an outdoor drinks reception with over 100 people for example, it is also suitable for smaller spaces where the music needs to be there but a lot quieter.
Music wise, we went for a background set of jazz and easy listening which we felt suited the occasion.
All too soon our short 1 hour set was over and a call for dinner was given. This was our cue to exit seamlessly stage left! As the dinner was in the same room as the drinks reception we very swiftly but silently exited with our instruments and kit back into the main reception area in order to pack away.
This is a well practiced routine and ensured there was absolutely no disruption to the event. The musicians just silently exited the room – we rather hope that no one noticed until moments later our space in the corner was empty and cleared as if we hadn’t been there.
It is this sort of attention to detail which we pride ourselves on. It is not just the quality of our music which is important but also the way in which we conduct ourselves both on arrival and departure. These moments are all part of the event as far as we are concerned and it is our job to provide the highest standards throughout the time we are present at an event.
We really enjoyed providing music for Addleshaw Goddard in Manchester. If your business is holding a drinks reception or meal and you would like to have some live background music to create the perfect ambience then do please get in touch.