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Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Larkhill BarracksJAM Duo Events

JAM Duo at Larkhill Barracks Christmas Party

This year we returned to Larkhill Barracks for their annual Christmas event in the Sergeants Mess. Specifically this was the 26 Reg Ra Sgt Mess Christmas party. And to quote …

CULS SignJAM Duo Events

Cambridge University Law Society (CULS) Garden Party

Original planned for June 2021, the CULS Garden Party was postponed due to Covid restrictions and took place on 2 October 2021. JAM Duo were delighted to be invited to …

GreenAcres Hatherley WoodJAM Duo Events

Open Evening – GreenAcres Heatherley Wood

GreenAcres Heatherley Wood is a unique, natural cemetery and ceremonial park in the heart of the Hampshire countryside. This special place can be uplifting, even at a time of great …

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